50 Hadith on Ruqya Notes
New notes will be uploaded weekly for the 50 Hadith class. Click to view notes.
Hadith 1: Existence and prevalence of sihr (magic
Hadith 2: The upright can be inflicted with sihr
Hadith 3: The 'opposite' breaks sihr
Hadith 4: Commandment to take refuge against sihr and evil eye
Hadith 5: Reciting, blowing and wiping
Hadith 6: Continuous recitation of Surah al-Baqarah protects the household and breaks the sihr
Hadith 7: Ajwah dates when consumed continuously break sihr
Hadith 8: The Jinn can take many forms and enact different tasks
Hadith 9: The Jinn can flow through the physical body
Hadith 10: Every person has a Jinn commanding them to do wrong
Hadith 11: The Jinn can inhabit a particular limb
Hadith 12: The Prophet sought refuge against the devil’s "hamz" (full possession)
Hadith 13: The devils are merciless; they even possess children
Hadith 14: The power of tawhid and refuge with Allah is overwhelming
Hadith 15: When one is unable to fulfil their obligations and duties then taking the outer means to cure is obligatory
Hadith 16: The jinn can be killed when they appear physically in our material realm
Hadith 17: The most coveted action to iblis is to separate loved one’s from one another
Hadith 18: Human beings are capable of killing the jinn when they transgress and come into our physical realm
Hadith 19: Children and household items are vulnerable to the mischief of the devils during sunset
Hadith 20: We ought to be merciless towards the shayatin
Hadith 21: Expression of tawhid by default make the shayatin powerless
Hadith 22: Ayatul-Kursi protects a person from even the most powerful shaitan
Hadith 23: Voluntary worships especially recitations of Surah al-Baqarah force shayatin to flee from the house
Hadith 24: The adhan of salah strikes the shayatin so viciously that they release wind
Hadith 25: The last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah is powerful against the shayatin
Hadith 26: The jinn can inflict the evil eye
Hadith 27: Spiritual illnesses can be treated and cured through physical elements
Hadith 28: Children and whole families can be inflicted with evil eye
Hadith 29: Seeking treatment by the noble for evil eye was normal, especially when it is affecting them
Hadith 30: The Prophet commanded that used washing water be given to the one that requests it
Hadith 31: Evil eye and jinn-possession existed since the beginning
Hadith 32: The dua which can kill the shaitan that causes pain in the physical body
Hadith 33: Placing one’s hand on the patient and wiping it over his body while reciting or making dua is a means of treatment
Hadith 34: Repetitive dua to Allah for the patient is key to the cure
Hadith 35: Tawakkul, duas and adhkar are the essences of protection and treatment
Hadith 36: The shayatin try to win by causing fear so that you do not fight them
Hadith 37: Flee and seek refuge with the Power of Allah
Hadith 38: One can more easily burn and destroy the shayatin that come without sihr and evil eye
Hadith 39: Through repetitive dua sadness and stress is relived
Hadith 40: Surah Al-Fatihah is a ruqyah: therapy, remedy and cure
Hadith 41: Repetition is a normal part of the treatment
Hadith 42: The saliva of some of our upright Raqis and noble Muslims can be a means of cure
Hadith 43: Drinking recited honey breaks eaten sihr
Hadith 44: Hijamah and Sea Qust (Incense) cure many diseases including sihr
Hadith 45: Drinking black seed oil and applying it to the body kills the shayatin
Hadith 46: Drinking olive oil and applying it to the body kills the shayatin
Hadith 48: When one is perpetually in a state of wudu it protects him from the shayatin
Hadith 49: Seeking the necessary treatments is obligatory and it does not negate tawakkul even at the recommended level
Hadith 50: In Ruqyah the basic principle is everything that is actually a treatment or medicine is allowed to be utilised except words and actions of shirk
Hadith 51: The repeated and constant recitation of Al-Quran can cure any spiritual and psychological illness
Reports: Selected incidents from the Salaf (early Muslim generations)